Thursday, April 7, 2011

i give up.

I'm going on hiatus from the blog, or rather I have gone on hiatus. 

This city's offerings for culinary delight have been mundane, uninspiring, and has literally left me at a loss of words. I have been foolishly idealistic enough to think I could create an entertaining blog but truth be told I ran out of talent as well as food.

Thanks for all the views. This has been such a failed venture in my eyes. I'm out.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Chinese Prairie food: My new comfort food??

If you've been to Pacific Mall, then you know about the infinite maze of shops containing independent clothing, mobile phones and accessories, and dvd's. What you'll also find is a handful of food and drink sprinkled amidst the organised chaos.

A friend of mine introduced me to one food shop that truly stood out from the rest. Forget the dozens of bubble tea stalls and shark fin vendors, this was the first time I saw a place that sold Xin Jiang style Lamb Skewers!

Xin Jiang is the part of China that is predominantly Muslim. One of the common specialties is mutton since the region is far from the sea. The kebab skewers are grilled and uses very unique flavourful spices like cumin, coriander seed, chili, and my favourite Sichuan peppercorns. The result is a mouth-gasm.

The last time I had them, I was in China munching on nan bread drinking Yen Jing beer, so this really took me back!

[Prairie Lamb Kebob - Upper Floor (Food Court), Pacific Mall,  4300 Steeles Avenue, Markham, Ontario]

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Japanese Ramen

I literally drove around for half an hour trying to find this place called "Kenzo" to eat Japanese ramen.  Touted as one of the most authentic Japanese ramen noodle shops in Toronto, its location is unassuming as is its interior, tucked away amid a string of strip plaza's along the west side of Yonge St. just south of Steeles Ave.  To save others the grief, I'll just mention that it's in the plaza just south of Centerpoint.  

When I got inside, it was cold.  Like very cold!  Maybe the heater was on the fritz but everyone had their jackets on.  But it made this experience all the more interesting and perhaps the noodles more enticing.  There's nothing like a spicy broth to warm you up while taking in the typical straight ramen noodles into your mouth.  The chasu pork was really nicely done and actually looked a lot more appetizing than the photo on their menu.  What's neat is they give you a small dish of Japanese pickles on the side.  I have no idea what the 'traditional way' to eat it is, but I imagine the pickles to cool down one's palette after the mouthfuls of piping hot noodles and broth.

All in all it was a nice little lunch, nothing for me to have a mouth-gasm over, but I'd probably go back just because it's good enough and well I really don't know where else to go for traditional ramen.

[Kenzo - 6180 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON]

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

One of those cheap n cheerful deals that never disappoints

Chinese fish ball soup noodle.  Splash on some Chinese red vinegar and chili oil and you're set.

Friday, November 26, 2010

A nice Chardonnay

I'm not usually that big into white wines or Chardonnay for that matter but this happens to be one of the Chardonnays that are of the 'creamy buttery textured' variety rather than the more typical dry types that one usually finds in most restaurants and pubs.
Its strong yellow colour and sugar content already reminds one of honey so how appropriate that its nose should have strong notes of honey, vanilla, and custard! When it hits your mouth, the same is very apparent with a soft medium length finish.
Might have to pop over to the LCBO and get more!
[J. Lohr - 2002 - Chardonnay - USA]